
Happy New Year

Greetings and Happy New Year to everyone.
I hope this note finds you well and ready for another tropical fruit season.

I just wanted to give a little update on the farm and drop a hint about a future introduction….

Many of the Mango trees are flowering, but not as many as usual at this time.  We do have a few trees with quarter size fruit on them already.
Our coldest temperature so far has been 41 F.  We are nowhere out of the woods yet going by historical data.  Remember two years ago we had a cold spell when the mango flowers were actually opened, then we had another cold event around March that killed the second flowering for 2022.  So, I’ll keep you posted as time goes on.

With respect to lychees, it looks like Mauritius and Sweetheart trees are flowering, and typically the Brewster are a bit later. Not all the lychee trees flower every year but from a quick look, there appear to be many that are.  I do keep records for all trees, data like flowering, amount of flowering, caliper of the trees, dates of when they start.

As far as the “future introduction” goes…….  I’ve been working on something for a few years and it has finally come to fruition. (did I spell that right?)
I’m really excited to share it with you, before I open it up to the world. Stay tuned…..

Thank you,

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